28 March 2011

The Weekend's Path

On Saturday, I got out for my training run early in the day. We had big plans, so I got in my needed training. Here's where I wound up along the path:

I think I was around the same distance along. That's what the stats say at least. Here they are: 7.8 km in 58 minutes, pace 7.3 kph. Six running intervals of 6 minutes each, 1 minute recovery, plus warm up and cool down, some running, some walking.

But even better here's further along in the day what the path looked like:

We were at the March for the Alternative and had a splendid time. Lots of people, great energy, great cause. The news coverage has been overwhelmingly centred on the .04% of the participants who caused trouble, but the scale and diversity of the march cannot help but have an effect upon the politicians in charge. Here's hoping!

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